A brief history of

Calvary Community Church

In 1936, Pastor and Mrs. Frances Sturgeon of Centralia decided to hold evangelistic street meetings in downtown Longview, attracting people of various backgrounds with their gospel-centered preaching and music. These gatherings led to the founding of the Longview Revival Tabernacle the very next year with a charter membership of 12—and with this, our church was born.

Throughout the next several decades, many different changes would occur. The Longview Revival Tabernacle became the Longview Assembly of God in 1954, in the 1960s we became Calvary Temple, and in 1971 the church changed its name once more, becoming Calvary Community Church, to better reflect the present interdenominational makeup and ministry of our church family. In the late 1970s, land was purchased and construction began on our building here on 38th Avenue. Construction of the original complex with its sanctuary, classrooms, and offices was completed in 1979, and the gymnasium was added in 1984.

There have been many pastors who have provided leadership for the church over Calvary's 90 year history, including Guy DeVries, Carl Gunderson, Roland Bixler, William Kirschke, William Paris, Howard King, and Galen Conrad. Currently, Pastor Eugene Curry serves as our head pastor.

Throughout the years and in the midst of many changes, God has continued to bless Calvary Community Church. Our church continues to grow in grace as an evangelical body as we reach out to our community with an emphasis on excellent preaching, family ministry, music, and programs for children and youth.